Friday 5 July 2013


Confession by Fr. Larry Richards
the greatest gift God gave us: His mercy
God's 1st movement is compassion.
Sin is saying no to God.
full knowledge: Eve
If God says you will die, you will die because God is not the liar.
The devil 1st instilled lies.
original sin: I become sin, I become god
sin: I don't think that's wrong; it doesn't matter as long as God does
good, pleasing, desirable
Sin is missing the mark (going the other way).
Sex is good.
sin: something good, something pleasurable, always has a desire
Sin is not hurting other people for the sake of other people.
It is wrong because God says no
ultimately wrong with sin: God says no, I say yes
The center of all sin is I: I determine (my life, will, want).
Sin always brings shame (e.g. Eve).
The 1st verse of salvation: Mary & JC analogy
"The wages of sin is death."
Sin always kills us.
God says I will give you hope.
Just God: must fulfill His justice
eternal penalty to the orig sin
I will become one of you: I will fulfill My justice.
God Himself in JC fulfilled His own justice.
In JC, the justice of God is fulfilled.
Why would you go to Heaven? Why shall I let you in Heaven? only 1 answer: because JC died for my sins
earn way to heaven: heretic
Participate by the way we live in what JC has done for us.
confession: renewed in my heart
I rejected His love.
about breaking laws or rules
God wants us to be whole & go to Heaven.
a relationship with God
God has a right to have 1st place in our life because He bought us at a price.
Matthew 16:18
"I entrust to you Peter the key to Heaven."
John 20:22-23
The priest who forgives your sin, ordinary way of forgiveness.
Sin is like a cancer.
after cancer operation: Did they get it all?
important to get it all out in confession
Know what sin is.
Sin is a spiritual disease.
You have to go to a spiritual doctor.
Give all your sins to a priest.
The one who knows us the most loves us the most.
confession: encounter with JC
We love to condemn people.
God said you shall not judge.
no condemnation in JC, only freedom
JC came to set us free (temper, pride).
Before God gave the commandments in Mt. Sinai, He set the people free 1st.
confession should be a place for freedom
The purpose of our life is to be like JC.
1st commandment: Love God above all things.
fit God into your day: break the 1st commandment
Not one of us can love God above all else (prayer).
mortal sin to miss Mass on Sunday
only 1 mortal sin to go to hell
1 mortal sin is enough to bring you to hell.
mortal sin:
1. serious matter
2. full knowledge
3. full consent of will
confession: intention of never doing it again
intention: I am done with this sin
Forgiveness: You must repent of your sins.
Every sin must be punished.
Do no cling to the sin to receive God's mercy.
Missing Mass on Sunday is a serious sin.
Honor your parents: take care.
the only commandment with a promise: long life
Anger can kill more than any knife into our heart.
6th commandment: sexual sin
All of us are sexual beings. Do it His way.
Sexual temptation is part of who we are (every day).
The body is not evil (what you do with it).
use them for your own pleasure
sex should be outside of ourselves, not inside
Porn is an addiction.
Porn takes the place of God.
Let the priest set you free from the sin.
last chapter of Revelation
Intercourse is not the only way to fornication.
Homosexuality is wrong because no life can come forth out of it.
artificial birth control is wrong
oral sex is always wrong
It's not your body, it's God's.
We all need a Savior.
The priest is also a sinner.
God is a God of mercy.
Repent & believe in the Good News: you are loved.
good examination of conscience
God comes to love you, not to condemn you.

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