Sunday 31 July 2011

Missing PLW

I missed PLW again... for the same reason. Twice in a month. This is getting bad. The paranoid and pessimistic side of me is even thinking of the worst-case scenario. I might get the primary complex (it's called with a different name for adults) of the children I'm serving in one of my ministries. Which reminds me to start taking antibiotics for seven days to combat this persistent cough. I trust that God won't allow me to get sick big time. This is just a matter of bad weather and stress. Toss in psychosomatic disorder in the equation. A weak body is what I get. Specifically a weak immune system.

After my fourth upper CG meeting in Harbour Square, I was tempted to push my tired and sick body to attend PLW. My CG Heads advised me to rest again. The obedient side of me happily obliged. But the obstinate side of me wanted to get down the LRT station to find my way to EDSA and transfer to the MRT station. I even contemplated on alighting in Roosevelt Station when I was already in Blumentritt. Too bad I didn't think about that earlier. Hahaha! Pasaway talaga!

I guess I know why God asked me to rest again. He wanted me to avoid the distraction I saw at the Feast. A new guy from the community made me smile today. Thank God for sending me inspirations to write more articles and to publish books in the future.

Wednesday 27 July 2011

PLW 202: Holiness

"Holiness is a loving response to God's declaration of love."

I will strive to be holy even though it's very inconvenient on my part because my final destination is in Heaven. :D

PLW 201: Love

"Love grows from just one look -- a moment of forgetting oneself."

I thought love at first sight won't be true in my case... until I first saw Nicole and Nigel (cute babies in the shelter). God must have felt the same thing when He created you and me. :D

Welcome Note

I welcome all my curious followers and avid readers to my fourth public blog. Supposed to launch this next month. But seems as if some dreams can't wait to be fulfilled. One more blog to brew in the head!

I'm thinking of naming this blog either PLW Take Two or My Sacred Half Hour. I was about to choose the former, but others might not know what PLW means. This blog is about my Prayer and Life Workshops, all the learnings and insights I get every Sunday after church services and CG (cellgroup) meetings. After several months, when I'm done with the workshop, I can write more about my sacred half-hour or prayer time. Or even about God's messages to me. God's whispers as we call them in the community.

Happy reading again!

Tuesday 19 July 2011

Isaiah 41:9

"and I said, 'You are My servant; I have chosen you and will not cast you away.'"

Father, I thank You for choosing and anointing me once again and for helping me recognize and heed Your call. Thank You for all the wonderful missions and opportunities to serve in Your ministries. As always, I know and trust that I am not alone in these missions. I can feel Your guiding hand in each and every one of them. I just pray for sustenance, strength of character and a bucketful of patience. Help me recognize when it's finally time to go and move on to another mission. Allow me to acknowledge that I am never and will never be indispensable in any ministry... In Jesus' name, amen!
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